I am typing on a Toshiba laptop, given to me by my father, who didn't like the keyboard. Frankly, I think he just wanted me to email him more often, which I don't do as much as I should.
At first, the lappie kept its charge for a good long while, at least an hour or longer. Now, however, I'm lucky if I get half that before I notice the battery icon reaching the critical level. It's hard not to draw the parallel with my own condition. Before my accident, my battery was one robust bastard. I could work a full day, come home, play with my kids, put them to bed, and still have plenty of energy for the few hours till bedtime.
Now, my battery is on low almost all the time. Due to my disrupted sleep pattern, my brain doesn't get the required time to "recharge", so I move through the day in a sort of daze. At one point, almost a decade ago now, when I was high doses of narcotics, I would fall asleep at socially inappropriate moments, such as holiday gatherings, to the immense embarrassment of myself and others. Although this no longer happens, I am still prone to doze off for short periods; these do not result in any kind of rejuvenation, unfortunately.
I am hoping that my upcoming sleep study (scheduled for July) will result in some sort of solution to this longstanding problem.