Sunday, April 7, 2013

The biennial blog post

Well. It's been six months since I last did anything here. How's it going blog? Slow I see. Don't take it personally -- it's not you, it's me.

I've been a good boy. No booze, no pills (other than what I'm supposed to take), no temptations of any kind. Just the usual pain and sleeplessness, which I'm more or less used to. I've thought about attending another AA session, for the hell of it, but it hasn't been that high on my list of priorities. The other day I took Marielle to Falls Church and showed her the Unity Club, where the meetings are held. It must have been around the top of the hour, because a gaggle of folks were coming out, talking, smoking cigarettes. If I actually thought I'd start drinking again I would definitely go, but the thought hasn't crossed my mind really.

Robin's "anniversary" was a couple days ago, which means my own is right about now. I don't have a lot of feelings about that. I'm not sure I want to. Not an experience I like to reflect on. I guess I'm not a dweller. Learn your lesson and move on, that's my modus operandi. It's served me pretty well so far.

So that's the update. I need to pick up Marielle from the library. Maybe I'll be more conscientious about this blog. No promises.

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